Monday, January 19, 2009


It's a go. I'm having surgery today at about 10:30.  The pressure was no better than yesterday.  Adam and I are leaving in a few minutes to start preregistering and all that fun stuff.  Jenn and Peter are coming over to take care of the girls.  Thank God for Jennifer.  She's been a hero through all of this.  

Please send good thoughts my way.


Unknown said...

Oh, Karyn! I am so sorry that it had to resort to surgery! My prayers are with you. Please, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I would certainly be willing to watch the girls anytime if you need me to. Again, my thoughts and prayers are with you and I have hope that all will go well.


Unknown said...

I will be thinking of you Karyn. I hope your surgery goes well and is as uneventful as these things can be.

Anonymous said...

HUGS to you!! I am so sorry that you had to have the surgery. Hope all is well. Let me know when you can.
Love, Jara

Mikaron said...

Karyn - Just checked your blog and will be extending the good thoughts into the evening for you. I'm eager to know how the surgery went. I'll call soon. Its amazing that you managed to get some blog entries in beforehand! You're a strong, courageous and caring lady.


Snickollet said...


I've been MIA online the past few days and am sad to find this news. You're in my thoughts, of course. Fingers are crossed. Thanks for letting us out here in blogland know what's going on.
