Monday, February 25, 2008


I realize I've been MIA for a while here... Sorry! I did realize that I never posted when Grace's surgery is going to be: this Thursday, February 28th. Sometime in the morning (we'll call Wed. night to get the actual time). So, pray for, think of, send positive thoughts her way this Thursday!

Grace is ready. She is literally counting down the days until her surgery (saying, "I wish today were already the zero day!"). We're going to the grocery store today after she's done watching Sesame Street to load up on liquids and soft foods she will want when she's recovering. She got a care package from Oma, one is coming from Gramma, and we went to the bookstore on Saturday to get a few things. So, life seems pretty fun right now. I think the reality might not be so fun. But, Grace has a good attitude and does seem to handle pain pretty well (better than I do anyway!).

Oh, when we asked Anna how she felt about Grace's surgery, she said she was worried that Grace would be crying in the night and wake her up, because she really hates that. That's our thoughtful, selfless one... I do think she's more concerned for Grace than she let on, though. I'm glad she'll be in school with other things to think about all day!

And, Poppy comes for a couple of short visits bookending his conference in Idaho starting tomorrow. We're looking forward to seeing you, Poppy!!

1 comment:

Soley said...

Oh goodness....sending good thoughts to all of you!!
The night before my back surgery, Aiden was up all night, he finally ended up sleeping with us (which he never does unless we're on vacation). The next day after I was home I asked him if he had been nervous...he answered "I wasn't, but my body was."
I wouldn't be surprised if Anna's concerns manifest in a strange way.
Grace, you're a very brave little (girl scout) cookie!! Good Luck and we all love you!