Wednesday, March 5, 2008

On the Up and Up

Wow.  I just have to send my youngest child into surgery and I get FOUR comments on my blog...  Although I loved getting all the comments (it always makes me feel good!), I still have to say it wasn't enough to cause me to get munchausen syndrome or anything (in case you were worried).  I'll just have to think of other ways to get more comments...  Hmmm.

This has been quite a week--one I wouldn't want to replicate again.  And it has made me very, very grateful to have such healthy children and really a very blessed life.  Because even as hard as some points of this week have been, I know it's NOTHING compared to what many people live every single day.  And, I am so lucky to know this is temporary, Grace is getting better, and will be better than new when she's all healed.  

With that said, Grace had a tough run for the first three days.  Once we stopped the tylenol with codeine, she totally turned a corner and started doing much, much better.  Who knew she'd feel better only being on tylenol??  After looking at her throat, I can confidently say I would still be in a lot of pain, but Grace is eating, playing, and is in pretty good spirits.  Kids are amazing.  The codeine was making her very nauseous, so she wasn't eating a lot and then throwing up, but had hardly anything in her stomach.  This made her really lethargic and just pretty miserable.  All Grace wanted to do was have me read Junie B. Jones: we read eight books in 2 1/2 days (and now 12 since her surgery!).  I have felt a bit like I have a newborn again, but instead of nursing, I'm reading.  Both I enjoy, but both are exhausting in excess nonetheless.  As you can see, Anna has done her best to make Grace feel better:

In the last couple of days, Grace has even been up coloring and watching movies (which feels like sweet relief, I have to admit).  She still rests quite a bit, stays in her jammies all day, and refuses to brush her hair, but if there is any time to indulge her it is now, I figure.  She is officially sick of sugar, too, preferring to eat green beans, macaroni and cheese, and soup.

Also news in our home is that the Girl Scout Cookies came Monday!  Picking up the troop's 143 cases at the Baptist church down the hill was quite a trip.  Our troop's cookies filled my Pilot to the ceiling and another mom's Expedition to the ceiling.  I'm just glad they all didn't have to come here....  There just isn't room AT ALL!  I must say, I'm proud of our girls and how much they sold, but I am glad they didn't sell anymore this year... One troop had 860 cases.  Dude.  That's a lot of cookies.   Here is Anna's haul:
Good job, Anna!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see Grace smiling and looking perky. Hopefully, this time of discomfort will benefit greatly in the long run. You'll have to tell me what Junie B. Jones has been up to, Grace.
Anna, please put my cookies in a safe place (away from Tycho and Daddy) You have the makings of being a great salesperson!
Also, great job with the IditaREAD! I'll be waiting for the final mileage.
Love, Oma

Andrea said...

Dude. One person with Munchausens by Proxy in our knitting group is enough. That's all I'm sayin'.

Unknown said...

Happy Easter!!! I have missed you guys so much, and I have to admit, I forgot about the blog until recently, but remembered when I was about to write you guys an email! What a wonderful way to get an update on the girls and the family, and with cute pictures even! Tell Anna I am SO impressed with her cookie sales. (Glad to hear she is in girl scouts, it's a great program). I've also been helping with cookie sales with my troop I volunteer with. Man I can't get enough of those samoas. And Grace...I am glad she made it through surgery okay. She is such a trooper. I am sure the girls had an eventful day with a visit from the easter bunny!


Unknown said...

Allright...I admit, I started reading and I couldn't stop. I just about read your entire blog...and I mean all of it, until Jeremy came in and gave me a lecture on how I shouldn't kick him off the computer and then NOT do my homework. meh...guess I better get back to it, but seriously, I miss you guys.
