Wednesday, March 26, 2008

no title; no words

A very dear friend of mine here just lost her husband last night;  one of Anna's closest friends lost her father.  He was diagnosed with lymphoma three weeks ago, had surgery, started chemo, it seemed to be going well, was feeling bad last night, an hour later he stopped breathing.  I'm without words.  So, so tragic.  They were close family friends.  We would occasionally take care of one another's kids in order to go out on dates with our hubbies or just to be able to sanely run some errands.  I love these kids; I love my friend; I love her husband.  He was a good, good man, and a wonderful husband and father.  I cannot believe he is gone.  How does a family survive that, missing such an important member?  It makes my heart ache for them: these two girls and their mother.  It could just have easily happened to me and my girls.  I continue to weep for them.  And I'm just the friend.  A friend who doesn't really know what to do or say or how to help.  The only thing I can think of is to please, please erase the past 18 hours, but I can't do that.  

Even though most of you don't know them, please pray for my friend and her girls.


Soley said...

Oh, K- I'm so, so sorry to hear this, it makes my heart ache too.
My thoughts are with you, and them.
I'm sure you'll be there for them in just the way they need you to be.
Love you.

Snickollet said...

This post cut through me like a knife.

I'm so, so sorry about your friend's loss--everyone's loss--of a wonderful husband, father, human.

Not to toot my own horn, but here's a link to a post from my blog on some practical things you can do to help your friend and her family:

Thinking of you, your friend, and your families.

Andrea said...

Hi Karyn,
I'm still just feeling so sick and upset about this. We aren't close to Ken and Suzanne the way that you guys are, but still - they're our neighbors. They came to our wedding. They're just both SUPPOSED to be right there and everything is supposed to be normal. I'm having a really hard time comprehending it, even though I know it is true.

Mikaron said...

What a shock! I feel for you K, and for your friend. The time it takes to comprehend different aspects of your friend being gone! It all happens slowly and when your brain and your heart and your gut are ready for it.

I read the "primer for friends" and it listed all of the things that meant so much to me when I lost my dad. Thanks Stacy for sharing.

Unknown said...

Dear Karyn,

I also am at a loss of what to say. The pain of losing a loved one to death has to indeed be one of the greatest trials we are asked to go through on this earth, and I think it is even harder when it is unexpected...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you are there for them to lean on, and also for this family, although I do not know them.

Sincerely with love,