Tuesday, May 13, 2008

T-Ball Dropout

So, even though we have officially dropped out of T-ball, Grace still loves to wear her hat.  Just seeing her wearing it on and off throughout the day is worth the $15 we paid for her to play t-ball, even though we only ever made it to one practice.  We were all pretty excited for Grace to play t-ball...  It was Grace's idea, out of the blue, that she wanted to play t-ball this year.  Oma, excited she has a granddaughter of her own heart, bought her a new mitt, balls, a tee, and a bat.  They practiced while she was here last month, Grace remembering everything Oma told her.  

Then we had practice:  an hour and a half practice.  Immediately following her hour long dance class.  It was hot out that day.  Grace did great, though.  Then she got sick and missed the next practice.  Then she didn't want to go.  I never really wanted her to go, because DUDE, t-ball is INTENSE!  Who knew the t-ball schedule would be so grueling??!!  Two games/week plus and hour and a half practice.  On top of us already juggling dance, soccer, school, and Girl Scouts.  So, we dropped out.  She has plenty of time left to be a baseball star.  So, for all of you out there who don't think I know how to stop, I proclaim, "UNCLE!"  

Grace still plays catch in the backyard with her daddy, and--even cuter--bats Tycho's balls to him off her tee.  A perfect end to the story if you ask me.  :-)


Soley said...

Dude, is that Grace relaxing with a beer after a tough T-ball practice?? :)
We cried Uncle and didn't sign Aiden up for T-ball this summer either. In fact, we're signed up for pretty much nothing. We're going to spend our days at the pool. And if those other Mommy's in Aiden's class who sign their kids up for 5 activities a day think I'm lame...well, they can find me relaxing with my kids at the pool!
Grace has plenty of time for T-ball, enjoy your summer!!

Anonymous said...

That's ok, Gracie. Next year you'll know you can't do soccer and t-ball at the same time. I'm glad you're still hitting the ball for Tycho and playing catch with your dad. I remembered another fun thing to do with a tennis ball. You can practice catch by yourself by bouncing the ball against the wall or garage door. Keep having FUN!
Love, Oma