So, I feel like I've been consumed by photography lately, what with mulitple shoots in the past few weeks, getting a new lens and computer, and pre-ordering a new camera, so I thought I'd share a few of my favorite recent images. Looking through these, I feel so lucky to get to do this at all, much less make a little money doing it. I especially love getting to share in little ones' lives and watch them grow up: the girl in the buggy is the baby in the basket of yarn from my business card. And, then of course there's Peter, who I can always take a couple hundred pictures of (which has become a problem now that he lives here!). The weather has been particularly lovely lately, too, which makes planning and doing photoshoots SO much easier. So, not much news about the rest of my life and no news about the girls, but I will write after all the hullabaloo tomorrow: two class parties, dance, violin, and THEN trick-or-treating. I'm exhausted just thinking about it! :-)

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