Gramma and Poppy have been in town, and then out of town again for their trip to Moab, and they'll be back tomorrow. Even though they were staying with Peter, we got to see them a lot, especially since Grace didn't have school for three days last week. We even got to go to Treehouse and the pumpkin patch with them--on top of eating lots of great meals together. We're excited to see more of them when they get back. Here are some pics of our trip to the pumpkin patch:

We also had parent/teacher conferences for both girls. It's so nice to have kids who make parent/teacher conferences such fun! They are both doing very well in school. Anna is still shockingly smart and is flourishing in the 2nd/3rd split she's in this year--and she's now reading in the middle of the sixth grade year. Grace is settling in nicely to Kindergarten, has some nice friends, and is participating and comfortable in class (whew!). She is busily passing off on her Kindergarten skills--and is becoming very interested in learning to read. I'm just so happy that both girls are doing so well in school and have such great teachers and nice classmates. I was just helping in Grace's class today making waffles (it smelled so good in there!) and they really are a cute, cute group of kids.
Violin update: Anna's been learning the A string and "Mary had a Little Lamb" this week. Dude, the A string is squeaky... I'm already nervous about the E string. :-) Even though violin is hard, Anna has become quite the dedicated student and is very concientious about making sure to practice five days a week--and her hard work is paying off; she's getting better every day. Slowly. But. Surely.
Thumb update: Still not sucking it. Looks like she licked it! I don't know who's more proud: us or Grace. This is a big, big accomplishment for Miss Grace.
In more selfish news, I've been busy getting used to my new imac (with a 24" screen!!!!) and photography software, Aperture. It's all very exciting--and will really help me manage my photoshoots better--once I learn how to use it all!
What big pumpkins you picked! Can't wait to see how you carve them. Good job at school, girls. You make your teachers' job easy and enjoyable. I know I would have liked students like you in my class.
Yeay! A new post! Girls are adorable and so is Peter.
Don't forget those business write-offs!
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