Here's the group:

It was actually lucky we had Girl Scouts at all today, because Anna got the stomach bug that's been going through our house and was sick last night. So, I kept her home from school this morning to make sure she could keep breakfast down. By 11:30, she was dancing around the house, so I took her to school and she's been fine ever since. Whew. Apparently, Anna being gone this morning completely stressed her troop-mates out, worrying that Brownies would be canceled, so Anna's teacher was almost as glad as her friends to see her after lunch!
Also, Anna has turned a corner with the ol' violin. She is practicing even MORE than she needs to now. Wow. It's amazing what actually trying to learn a song will do for motivation! Who knew "Hot Cross Buns" could be so hard?!! And, on Sunday, her teachers all played in the Weber State Symphony, which we went to and she was completely blown away by how good they were (and they really were, too--I was inspired!). But, I told her they all started out playing "Hot Cross Buns." :-) I'll try to figure out how to get video on here so you can see and hear her in concert.
Grace is finally all healthy and now doesn't have school for the rest of the week because of Parent/Teacher conferences... Ah well. Gramma and Poppy will be here (but staying at Peter's this week), so she'll have plenty to keep her busy.
Thanks so much for all your recent comments! This is actually fun when I know people are out there! :-)
What cute little brownies!!!!
Glad everyone is feeling better too.
Does Anna know Oma was a Brownie once upon a time? Have you learned "There's Something in My Pocket" yet? Or "Make New Friends"?
Just wanted to let you know, Owen's package arrived yesterday. Muchas Gracias! We'll save it for Sunday.
Just wanted to let you know, Owen's package arrived yesterday. Muchas Gracias! We'll save it for Sunday.
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