Tuesday, February 10, 2009


by Adam

Karyn's doctor visit today went well: The patch came off and she can see with her left eye.  It's not perfect, but it wasn't supposed to be because, well, she's just had surgery on it.  It hurts, but that's reasonable since she has stitches in her eyeball again.  Mostly she rests, listens to audiobooks and watches a little bit of t.v.  She's in good spirits overall, all things considered.

Most importantly, the eye has pressure (so she can use it), but not too much -- 6 mm Hg, in case you were wondering -- really very low, but not as low as the "zero" she's been measuring since they last took out a stitch.  And, that's a good pressure to start from as things start to heal.  On Thursday she goes back to the doctor to check things again.

In case you were wondering, my eyes are just fine.  My nerves less so, but getting better.  Tomorrow I'll teach a class for the first time since Thursday, training the ophthalmologists of tomorrow.  


Snickollet said...

Continuing to send healing vibes and thoughts of peace. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Anonymous said...

Glad to know that things are going well for Karyn (and glad that you are doing well too....it all takes a toll on the whole family when something like this happens!!)

-S. said...

Wow. Modern medicine. Wow. I'm still stuck on the fact that they can even PUT stitches in an eyeball.

Good thoughts and cheers from Socorro!

Gramma said...

We know that you are taking good care of Karyn and your girls. Karyn will heal faster knowint she can just rest and heal. Thanks for the updates. We send our prayers. Love & blessings.
Gramma & Poppy

Soley said...

Yippee for good news!