This is a good friend's new baby at ten days old. Her husband is an artist and that is one of his paintings Luca is in front of. It's not everyday you get that kind of backdrop. :-)

Since I last wrote, it's also snowed ANOTHER ten inches (the Adam-created mountain in our front yard is now at least seven feet tall...) and just starting to snow again now. It's absolutely beautiful here. And cold. This morning was 5 degrees when I was walking the girls to school. Yikes! Fortunately, there's never a reason to be cold when you have knitters who love you. :-)
And, yes, Jenn and I are now completely CPR/first aid certified. The idea of anything happening in my presence is terrifying, but the thought of not knowing what to do if it did terrifies me even more. So, I feel a bit better now. Now Jenn and I are insane enough to consider taking our Brownies up to camp this summer... It's an organized program with camp counselors and everything, but this is a VERY energetic group of 7-8 year old girls. We may need alcohol (when we get back, of course...).
I've loved your comments on my blog--thanks! I'm going to implement your laundry system starting on my next load of diapers.
Gorgeous pictures, as always. And good for you on being CPR/first aid certified.
Real e-mail to come soon, or at least sometime :). I'm so glad to be back in touch!
Welcome back to the blog. Adam did a great job filling in, but I'm glad you're back!
Nice to chat with you last weekend too.
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