Before sharing the exciting news of the day, everyone should send some good thoughts/prayers/positive chi to Adam, who broke a rib this week. He's functioning and doing pretty well, but is in a lot of pain, and will be for the next couple of weeks. As far as tragedies go, this is very, very minor, but it surely doesn't feel so to Adam when he sneezes... He broke it when he fell flat on his back while teaching others how to curl on Tuesday. The fall knocked the wind out of him and he remembers worrying that he broke his cell phone when he heard a crack. Well, his cell phone was safe in his front pocket, but when he was still in pain on Friday, went to the instacare, where he learned he did indeed break his rib. He's got a wrap to wear when he wants and some ibuprofen. Ouch.
In better news, Grace lost her first tooth this morning! I can no longer deny she's growing up... She's quite excited and can't wait for the tooth fairy to come tonight.

Congratulations, Grace!
And ouch, so sorry, Adam. Sending thoughts of quick healing and little pain.
Yeay Grace. Aiden is very jealous, as he doesn't even have a wiggler yet!
And, heal fast Adam! Who knew curling could be so dangerous?!
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