(If you look on that site, you will get to see "Big Grace," the daughter of a good friend of mine, and my girls' idol. My girls absolutely love to carpool with Big Grace every week: she is silly, open, and kind. Honestly, if my daughters are as great as her when they're 15, I will be blessed indeed. Both girls wish Adam and I went on more dates, so Big Grace could babysit more. I think we should definitely listen to them... I took lots of pictures of her, because the batteries on all three cameras her family brought died right when the recital started.>
I was super proud of Anna, and it was fun to relive that night working on these pictures. Most of you know Anna loves dance--and her commitment to dance ramped up quite a bit when she started taking Contemporary in addition to Ballet and then started with the dance troupe her teacher started up in the Spring. Anna was dancing three days a week for a few months--and her dedication really showed in the recital. Best of all, she really looked like she was having fun. She shone. I teared up (both at rehearsal and at the recital). There is something so beautiful about seeing your child do something so completely and so happily.

This is Anna with Emma, one of Anna's best friends since they were four.

I'm off to see the other beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Karyn! Many apologies for not viewing your blog for such a long time! Finally, had a minute to view your life over the past year. So VERY sorry to hear of your many eye ailments and surgeries. What an unbelievable ride it must have been! Hope it is all in the past?
Love the photo of Anna and Em at dance. Ana would love to be dancing with them. She misses them so very much. The girls are beautiful! Enjoyed all of the photos and narrations. Let's talk soon. Our plan to call before school starts. love,
kim and Ana
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