Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Things

Sorry for the lack of posts lately.  Adam has been gone A LOT lately and it seems any time I try to get anything done, the girls start fighting.  So, I'm getting very little done.  I think we're all missing having him around.  I know many of you are parenting more alone than I am most, if not all, of the time.  I can honestly say I so honor what you do.  It is such hard, hard work.  

I took a few pictures today of some new things that have happened lately:  bangs for Grace and a retainer for Anna.

Grace looks adorable anytime, but she looks very cute indeed with bangs: 

And, her hair stayed out of her face during MP without any clips (great for Grace who hates having her hair done or having it styled--simple is best with her).

Anna can't believe what I asked her to do:
Show off her new stylish retainer!  :-)  She's doing great with it.  She should have it out around Christmas.
Already a pretty smile...

Adam gets back Saturday night.  He and the girls start school on Monday morning.  I have a list started of all the things I'm hoping to get done when they're gone.  I cannot believe both girls will be gone all day.  I'm going to miss them so much!  But, I have to say, this summer has felt pretty intense, so I'm excited to get back on top of things and have time to think and figure out what I want to do with my life.  Wish me luck!

My eyes are doing pretty well.  I'm on two different drops which are keeping my pressure down.  I go back to the glauc. doc. in a couple of weeks and see how I'm doing.  Thanks for all the kind thoughts and words!  


Soley said...

Yeah, Aiden definatley has to marry Grace. :)
Arranged marriages are ok in Utah right? :)

Mikaron said...

Soley! Arranged marriages? What's gotten into my most feminist of friends? He he.

K - tell the girls that I love their haircuts - super good looking cuts! And thank Anna for her Muppet impersonation (retainer mouth).

Love, Mik