It's only the third day back at school, and it's all craziness around here:

School is going well for both of them. Grace's teacher is every bit as wonderful as we anticipated she would be, and she seems to have a nice class. She has found friends to play with at every recess, some old and some new. We have learned, though, that she and her best boy friend from last year have been KISSING on the playground... Eie Yie Yie! I suggested that they find other things to do with their time instead of kissing each other, and Grace replied that they're "only kissing on the cheeks, Mom!" I said it would still be a good idea to have something else in common. And, she told me that she likes to call Conner "Connie" and he calls her "Gracie." I can only imagine this--and it scares me half to death! She also likes to play with her friend from preschool, Will, and our neighbor, Sam. I can only hope she's not kissing them, too... She's been playing with some new girls in her class, too, but can't seem to remember their names. I don't think she's kissing them either. :-)
I'm getting less information from Anna about school (although she definitely isn't kissing anyone, because she is completely appalled by Grace thinking of kissing boys). Her class is enormous: 34 kids. The whole school actually is completely bursting at the seams. The principal is currently working things out, and I'm trying to trust in her, although I admit to waking up with panic attacks and worrying about the chaos that has become the girls' school. Letters may have to be written; board meeting may need to be crashed, but it will work out in the end. I hope.
Anyway, Anna likes her teacher and comes home telling his funny jokes or doing silly tricks that he showed them. I can only hope she's learning something in there, too. No homework has come home yet, so I really don't know. She is still playing with a lot of her friends from last year. Apparently they have a meeting place on the playground, so they can all find one another. Anna is talking about some nice new girls in her class, who I'm sure she'll befriend soon enough.