This week, Grace's anticipation to take karate (or more specifically, "Merpati Putih", or just "MP" (pronounced em-pay), an indonesian martial arts) was finally fulfilled when she took a three day "try-it" camp, culminating in earning her white belt today. It would be an understatement to say she enjoyed taking MP... She absolutely loved it. She took to it with confidence and an excitement she doesn't often have for new things. It was exciting to see. She came home each day bursting to show off what she had learned: punches, kicks, and blocks. The only bad part for her was having to wait until 6:00pm every night... Needless to say, we signed her up to continue taking MP, where she will be part of the larger class and begin earning her yellow belt (and then orange, then purple, then blue...). I have a feeling it's going to be a long, long wait until her next class on Monday... She rather liked going every day! She was very tired tonight (the girls are going to sleep Utah-time, but waking up Maine-time...), but pulled through for me to snap a few pictures of her in her cool outfit and NEWLY EARNED white belt!

Look at those moves!!! You said she was tough. It's obvious from the photos. :)
Crouching tiger, hidden dragon in Utah? She's got moves! Watch out! Love, Auntie Mik
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