Learning to tie knots as we wait for our dutch oven breakfast (that the kids and counselors made).

Trefoil Ranch, which is east of Provo, is a GORGEOUS camp.

Starry Night riding Derby, a frustratingly lazy horse who kept stopping. She learned to be super assertive! That is Mt. Timpanogas in the background. Again, beautiful.

Inside the lodge eating our lunch.

Starry Night with all of her loot from the Trading Post. She brought up her cookie credits from selling cookies and got to buy lots of good stuff: a pillow, a fan/flashlight, and two horses (one for Grace--see, I told you she is nice!)

Doing the limbo... Not one of Starry Night's strongest skills. :-)

Their troop did one of the flag ceremonies for the whole camp (there were probably about 100 kids there). Starry Night and Yellowfeather folded the GS flag.

Mist (Annakai) and Starry Night writing during a stop on one of our hikes.

Starry Night with two girls from her troop who also came to camp, Chocolate and Mist, and their camp counselors, Sundance, Hershey's, and S'mores.

A rare picture with me (Sunny Day)! Starry Night had just been a turtle in a skit, hence the face make-up. This is right before we loaded up and went home. It was a great, great time.

Since we got back from camp, we've been swimming a couple times at some outdoor pools, gotten together with some friends, the girls started swim lessons, and Girl Scout Day Camp starts tomorrow. Oh, and I cut all my hair off. :-) I was even able to cut a 10" ponytail off, so I can donate it to Locks of Love. Now my hair is SHORT again (not as short as I've been before, but still pretty darn short). I love it and will try to have Adam snap a picture of me tomorrow to post.
Oh, that looks like so much fun! I'm glad you had such a good time.
Looks so fun! Glad you guys got that time together. Makes me want to go to Boy Scout Camp...do they let Moms do that??
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