So much has happened since I last wrote! I'll try to briefly catch you up:
First of all, Adam came home. It was very emotional, since I just felt so, so lucky to have a husband who could come home. It was hard having him gone when Suzanne's husband died--for the girls, for me, and for him. It was just so easy to picture the giant loss his absence would be. I now have two friends who have lost their husbands; the tragedy of losing someone so young is so unfair and tragic. I feel lucky every day to have Adam in my life. Even with all the emotion of Emma losing her dad while their dad was away, the girls seemed baffled why Adam and I were crying when he saw them and me again. I'm glad for them that they can still be so innocent.
It has still been snowing on and off all spring. In fact, we've still had very few days that feel like spring. But, this week, all my tulips and our gorgeous tree bloomed. Spring has sprung! Now, hopefully the snow is gone for good...

One of the best things that has happened since I last blogged is my mom came to visit (which was fun), and Adam and I got to go to San Francisco together for three days. It was great fun for everyone. The girls had a ball with Oma, playing t-ball, dying sock yarn, going to movies, and "getting to do whatever they wanted" (quote by Grace). Adam and I had a wonderful time in SF; it was especially nice being able to talk with him without interruptions. Of course, a lot of the time it was about the girls... :-) It was great being away, but great to come back home, too.
1 comment:
What a difference a couple of weeks make!
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