Friday, September 7, 2007

And we're off!

I hope I don't regret starting this... :-)

It has been a common theme among those I love most dearly that I don't keep in touch well enough. There are those of you out there who seem to care about what we're doing and want to hear more from us (me). So, in answer to those pleas, I am starting a blog. Just so you know what to expect: I will try to post weekly--and I'm not promising juicy, tantalizing content all the time. A lot of the time, our lives are just plain mundane (busy doesn't always equal interesting, I'm afraid). But, I may surprise myself. I do plan to post lots of pictures, not just of the girls, but occasionally of my knitting projects and photo shoots. And perhaps you'll see an errant photo of me or Adam in there too. So, here it goes. I do hope to hear from you, too, in order to keep this from being a lonely venture.

And, for those of you who are grateful for me starting this, you really should thank Soley, who has been telling me to have a blog for at least two years now. I guess the fact that I obsessively check her blog started to leave an impression...


Soley said...

Woo Hooo! Yippeee! Welcome to the bloggin' world! Love it so far, can't wait to keep checking in. Can I link from mine, or do you want to keep yours more 'hidden'?

Girzy said...

Karyn...your xenophobic front yard looks great! I'm sure one of the 35 plants you put in was pussytoes in your cracks...did I just type that?

girzy said...

Karyn...evidently I mis-spoke a tij. I in no way meant to intimate that your waterwise garden was unduly fearful or contemptuous of a fictional warrior princess played by Lucy Lawless, but merely meant to suggest that a few antennaria plantaginifolia might look good between the flagstones?

Karyn said...

Hee hee. I loved it, Kim! We miss you guys SOOO much. We got Ana's message--and we'll call you this week. The last two days have just been crazy with Peter's birthday, Polk's 80th Bday celebration, and Anna's violin orientation. Whew. I'm looking forward to having a mellow Tuesday!