Whew. I can't tell you how excited I am to be at the beginning of a five-day break from school/activities/etc.! Things have been hopping around here, culminating in a big "Native American Celebration" in Anna's class this afternoon and learning ji jitsu (a form of martial arts) at Brownies. And, alas, I had no camera....
Anna's class was absolutely fantastic. I know I've mentioned it before how amazing Anna's teacher is; well, she still is. My only complaint is that I have NO IDEA what to do with all the projects she keeps bringing home--and it's all three dimensional! Today, Anna made a Native American shoulder bag, a beaded necklace, the Mayflower, a teepee, a totem pole, a pictograph writing (really cool), and a papoose that is at least 16" long. So, you see, really cool stuff, but what to do with it all?? I've got Rubbermaids from previous years going, but I'm starting to realize how insane it's going to get to have a Rubbermaid from each year for each girl! :-) It makes me laugh to think of handing the girls their Rubbermaids as they move into their own homes someday... Yet, I'm just not ready to get rid of any of it, even if I do take a picture of everything first. Anyway, the celebration was such fun; I got to be at the tasting table (where the kids got to eat corn bread, fry bread, popcorn, pumpkin bread, jam and honey that Mrs. Blair made at home the night before. See, incredible!).
Brownies was equally awesome. Nothing beats watching ten seven-year-olds learn how to hit and kick from a big black man with dreadlocks and tattoos (it was Lilly's dad). He was great with the girls. I just hope I don't get any calls from moms telling me their daughter knocked out her younger brother... :-) Unfortunately, no pictures. I cannot tell you how bummed I am... Lilly's mom was there taking some, though, so someday I think I will have pics to share.
In other news, Anna is getting GOOD at the ol' violin! I don't mean to sound shocked, but she really has turned a corner and is much less squeaky. Quite honestly, I thought it would take longer, so this just feels like a huge bonus. Her concert is Dec. 10th. I will definitely remember my camera then!
Grace seems to have finally kicked the awful cough she's had for weeks. Here's hoping she (and I!) stay well for a good long time now! No other huge news with Grace. She's just doing really, really well: loving school, loving dance, loving Sesame Street and seems to be at the beginning stages of learning to read: she tries to sound out everything now--and often gets it right! Driving around doing errands is so much more exciting now with "s.t.o.p--STOP", "o.p.e.n--OPEN" coming from the back seat. She is in such a great stage right now: relatively agreeable, super creative, easily excited for things, and pretty flexible. I think 5 may be my favorite age. So far!
For Thanksgiving, we are having Jenn, Matt and Peter over for dinner--and possibly a neighbor and a couple of friends for dessert. I'm really looking forward to it. Tomorrow, we're going to play with Emma and her sis and mom, who we don't see nearly often enough anymore now that we're all so busy and go to different schools. On Friday night we're going to the Nutcracker (yeay!). On Saturday morning I have a large family photo shoot, which should be fun--although the weather just turned cold today. Besides that, we're looking forward to laying low and enjoying the time together. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for all my wonderful friends and family!
Some recent pics (of other kids):